Since 1931, Yerba Buena #1 of E Clampsus Vitus has been a nonprofit historical organization with the mission to preserve the little known history, along with some tall-tales, of the American West.



The Mother Lodge welcomes all Clampers in good standing back to Woodlawn Cemetery and Old Molloy’s Tavern in Colma, CA, this coming Saturday, January 11th, 6030.  Graveside speech in Woodlawn at 9:31 AM,

followed by a tour around Hawker’s Row and plentiful libations at Old Molloy’s.  Clamperdom’s finest raffle will be ably run by Rafflemeister Jonathan “Truffle Shuffle” “King Neptune” Bringas. 

$60 (prepay only!) gets you Neptune’s finest crustaceans ably prepared by Clampchef Chris “Da Grill Sarge” Pohle, and a handsome hanger in our continuing series of Norton Day hangers (starter pin available at YB1 Hawker’s booth).  Come see what many a chapter has planned for the coming Clampyear!

Prepay is over

NGH Joseph “Archimedes” Shepard invites widders, and brothers to the Eliza W. Farnham 59th Garden Art Literary ball at the Moose Lodge in Pacifica.

February 22nd, Doors 6pm, Supper 7pm. Entree choices from, Prime Rib, chicken, or vegetarian .

Couples $100; Stag$60

Click Eliza’s image to prepay

ElizaW. Farnham

Garden Art Literary Ball

YB#1 Baseball Jersey

New YB#1 baseball jerseys are available to order. They’re better quality than last year’s, heavier fabric, and a better shade of red. 
The price is the same as last year: $70 and includes direct shipping to you. 
Please prepay with the PayPal link below and don’t forget to add your size and shipping address in the notes.

Tell us any special instructions: sizes, address

Upcoming 6028 Doin’s, Diggins & Event

Sat Jan 11th, Emperor Norton Day !

Donate to the Sick Jackass anytime

Can’t make the Doins? Feed the sick jackass $5